Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lloyd Thayer has song in film at Sundance

The Boston Globe, 1-28-08
"This is the first time in years there have been so many Massachusetts filmmakers here," said David Kleiler, a longtime Boston-indie mover and shaker who was in Park City.
Some of those filmmakers are no longer in the area but continue to hold onto local ties. Tom Hines, the director of the dark Alaska-set comedy "Chronic Town," has lived in Los Angeles for 16 years; the Holliston native moved west less than a month after graduating from Boston College in 1991. And yet, said Hines, "my old boss at Boston College Television Services, Lloyd Thayer - his song is the last song in the film. He's a street musician in Boston; he plays his dobro in the subways and has put out four great CDs."

Lloyd has been an inspiration to me, as a dobro player and a street musician. Though I've heard only a few tunes of his (I have to get his CDs), it's good to know that another lap-style player is making a go of it on the streets.

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